The teacher who I was assigned to was Dianne Krause. Her Blog is very intricate and provides a lot of great resources for teachers to look into. Her first post was about an interesting tool on Google called "Google Forms". The post had a link to the Google forms page and it gave a brief description of it. Teachers can use Google Forms for just about anything. You can use them to create a quiz, a questionnaire, a poll, or any other types of questions to ask your students. One thing I found very interesting about the Goggle forms is that many teachers get their students to make quizzes to give to their fellow classmates, which helps them understand what they're learning better because they actually have to write the questions! This is my comment I made on her blog post:
The second post of Mrs.Krause's blog I commented on had two links in it. One link was to a website called "Calllobo", which is a website designed for teachers to be able to talk about things they have done in their classrooms or ask questions about problems in the classroom or just chat with other teachers from around the world. I thought this would be a really good thing to remember for when I become a teacher. The other link was named "Art Project, Powered by Google". This website was very interesting because it has a wide variety of museums listed from all over the world and you can click on each one and actually look at pictures/paintings and images taken at that museum! It gave me an idea for when I teach art in my classroom, I can take my kids on a virtual "field trip" to different art museums from all over the globe! Here is my comment I left on her post:"Hello!My name is Tiffany Fey and I am an Elementary Education major at the University of South Alabama. I am currently taking my EDM 310 class (Education in Media) and I will be commenting on this blog post and a second one of yours in two weeks. I am very excited to be posting on your blog because it is very intricate and has so much interesting advice! The information that you shared about Google Forms is great, I did not realize that you could make questionnaires and quizzes through Google. I am definitely going to keep this awesome tool in mind when I begin teaching. I think I could work with Google Forms in the classroom curriculum in a way that can not only help me quickly see where my student’s abilities are in a certain subject, but it will also be a great way to learn more about my students and stop using so many papers and help the Earth by Going Green. Thank you for sharing this tool! I think it will coming in handy for me in the future. I look forward to reading more on your blog! I will be posting my summaries of your blog posts and my comments on them in the week of February 6th.![]()
Thank you!-Tiffany FeyTwitter: @TinkrbeltiffBlog:"
"Hello again!I really enjoyed looking at everything on Dianne Krause's blog and I cannot wait to see the next teacher's blogs!
This will be my second post on your blog for my EDM 310 class. I will be posting a summary of my comments and your posts on my blog this week as well if you would like to see what I have written! My blog can be found at: My Blogand my Twitter name is @Tinkrbeltiff.
As always your blog post is very interesting! Your post about “Calllabo” seems like something that would really come in handy when I am a teacher. Being able to ask other teachers from around the world questions about problems I am having in my classroom sounds like it could be very helpful and make teaching a little bit easier. It would also be great to have a website to go to and discuss topics and ideas with other teachers. I also really liked the link to “Art Project, by Google”. When I checked-out the site I was thrilled to see how many different museums were listed! I am taking EDU 301 (Teaching Art to Elementary Students) this semester and I am going to share this site with my teacher. This website would be a great tool to use in the classroom when I teach art to my students, I can almost “take them on a field trip” to a museum in a different part of the world! Thank you for the great posts and ideas that you have shared! And Thank you for letting me comment on your blog!
Tiffany Fey"
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